How much do counselling sessions costs?

A 50-minute individual session is $150 +GST.

Where are the counselling sessions located?

I offer both virtual sessions from the comfort of your own home and in-person sessions located at A-1834 Oak Bay Avenue in Victoria BC. The door is located behind the red telephone booth, then proceed up the stairs to the first door on your left. I will meet you in the waiting room. If you have any mobility concerns, please email me to discuss a better option.   

I have extended health benefits. Do you offer direct billing?

Although many insurance providers offer coverage for counselling services, please reach out to your provider to ensure these services are covered. You will receive an invoice after each session for you to submit to your provider using my Registered Clinical Counsellor number (#22825).

How do I pay for my counselling session?

All payments are processed through Jane App. When you book an appointment, you will be prompted to fill out a credit card authorization for the card you wish to use. Please see the cancellation policy below for payments resulting from a missed appointment. 

What is your cancellation policy?

48 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If the appointment is canceled or rescheduled within this time period, 50% of the session cost will be charged. If there are extenuating circumstances that prohibit you from canceling outside of this timeframe, please email me as soon as possible.

For any other questions, please contact me.